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My publication "Spiraling polyhedron" at the Exhibition "...und wir fangen gerade erst an" Künstlerinnen und Künstler des VdDK 1844 at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Grabbeplatz 4. Vernissage: Friday 14 March, 6 to 10 pm at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf


SEIN und SCHEIN at the cubus kunsthalle in Duisburg, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 64, 47051 Duisburg. 16 Mar. - Apr. 2025. Vernissage: 1 Mar. 2025 at 2 pm.


My three prints at the Goldverkauf in the Goldstraße 15, Atelier Haus, Duisburg. Saturdays 8., 15. March 3 - 7 pm, Sundays 9., 16., March  12 - 6 pm.  @goldstrasse_15


10 Jan.-7 Mar. 2025 - ongoing - Städtische Galerie Duisburg - Bezirksbibliothek Rheinhausen. Vernissage 10 Jan. 2025, 6 pm.


Fot. Joachim Weyers


7 Nov.-19 Dec.2024 - Der Kreis der Unmöglichkeit - an individual exhibition at the SG1 Kunstraum in Duisburg, Germany. Vernissage 7 Nov. 2024, 5-8 pm. @SG1kunstraum


22 Oct.-21 Dec.2024 - Am Fluss / Nad rzeką - an exhibition at the Johanna Ey Foundation in Düsseldorf, Germany. Vernissage 22 Oct. 2024, 6 pm. @johanna_ey_foundation Curator Michael Kortländer. Artists:  David Czupryn, Cecylia Malik, Evangelos Papadopulos, Iwona Rozbiewska.

Graphic: Morphoria Design Studio Düsseldorf.

Fot. Stephan Hufer.



Publication Düsseldorf Warszawa available at the Johanna Ey Foundation, 
Neubrückstraße 6 in Düsseldorf


Fot. Iwona Rozbiewska


Vs. Frühwerk- a group exhibition at the Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany. Vernissage 18 Oct. 2024, 7 pm. @Künstlerhaus Dortmund Exhibition will take: 19 Oct.-1 Dec. 2024. Curator Cornelius Grau. Artists:  Helga Beisheim, Linus Clostermann, Björn Drenkwitz, Alexander Endrullat, Martin Huidobro, Santiago Insignares, Roman Lang, Jae Jin Park, Iwona Rozbiewska, Sigrid Schewior, Annette Wesseling, Gitta Witzke.


Photos from the vernissage - Jens Sundheim.


8-28 Sep. 2024 - Perspektiven I - a group exhibition at the Ludwigsturm in Duisburg, Germany. Vernissage 7 Sep. 2024, 6 pm. @LudwigsturmDuisburg @PerspektivenI


28th Annual Festival of Alternative Art, ACCEA/NPAK - Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan, Armenia.  Dates: 5 Apr.-23 May 2024. @NPAK 

W głąb trapezu / Into the Trapezoid, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, Poland, Orangery Gallery. Individual Exhibition. Curator Leszek Golec. Dates: 25 Nov. 2023 - 31 Jan. 2024.
Link to the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko: @centrum.rzezby.polskiej
 Fot. Jan Gaworski

Fot. Mariusz Zajac
„Refreshing Rules“, 2017, old swimming pool tiles, metal, a bean (resin cast), approx. 260 x 450 x 290 cm. (the height of the installation can be different).

„When I leave myself ...“ [Matryoshka], 2013, Installation, Wood, 2 Video projections (images from my childhood till 2013), approx. 210 x 400 x 300 cm.

„The Construction of Happiness“, 2014, steel, 231 x 62 x 96 cm.

Untitled [Railing VI – Zigzag], 2020–2022, steel, car paint, 77 x 158,5 x 39 cm.

Untitled [Railing VII], 2020–2022, steel, car paint, 24 x 101 x 54 cm.

Untitled [Railing VIII], 2020–2022, steel, car paint, 29 x 75 x 103cm.

The Hidden Room I, 2012, plywood, 95 x 210 x 90 cm.

Drawing from the series Hedrokonstrukt, 2021-2022, own technique, 29,7 x 21 cm.

Drawing from the series Hedrokonstrukt, 2023, own technique, 22,1 x 10,8 cm.

Drawing from the series Hedrokonstrukt, 2023, own technique, 24 x 11 cm.

ARCHIMETRIES, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk, Poland, Small Gallery in Słupsk and CAT in Ustka. Exhibition with artists: Iwona Rozbiewska, Zbigniew Blukacz, Janina Janicka Grabowska, Urszula Ślusarczyk. Curator: Roman Lewandowski. Dates: 12 Oct. - 31 Dec. 2023.
Fot. Iwona Rozbiewska


Fot. Krzysztof Tomasik.
That was a great day at The Art House, Wakefield, UK. The Royal Society of Sculptors presents Gilbert Bayes Award 2022. Exhibition curated by Thorp_Stavri. Dates: 15 July - 12 August 2023. Private View 26 July 2023. A few pictures from the opening.
Fot. Iwona Rozbiewska

Images credits. Courtesy The Art House, Wakefield. Photo: Emily Ryalls.
Link to The Art House, Wakefield:
Link to The Royal Society of Sculptors in London:

Thanks, Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw for the opportunity to take part in this opening.


Gilbert Bayes Award 2022 Exhibition at The Royal Society of Sculptors in London, Dora House, 30 May - 8 July 2023
Sculpture Slam, 29 June 2023, 18.30 (BST time zone). Address:  Royal Society of Sculptors, 108 Old Brompton Road, Dora House, London SW73RA.
A few photos from the private View, 3 June 2023, Fot. Jennifer Moyes.

At the beginning of the New Year 2023 came a new publication: 3rd Latvia Ceramics Biennale / Martinsons Award, International Juried Exhibition in the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre from 15 June till 17 October 2021, Publisher: Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Latvia, ISBN: 978-9934-594-45-8
Link to the publication:  Calaméo - 3rd LATVIA CERAMICS BIENNALE (
You can find my artwork on page No. 50.
Printed book available at the Latvia Ceramics Biennale and Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre in Latvia. 

Photo from the publication.
Artist-in-Residence at the Taoxichuan Art Center in Jingdezhen, China. 29 January - 30 April 2023.  
Fot. Yu Xinpei, Taoxichuan Art Center in Jingdezhen China.

Fot. Iwona Rozbiewska and Aima

A text about my exhibition “Liquidity” at the Kwartalnik Rzeźby ‘Orońsko’ nr 3 / 2022, Publisher: Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, Poland, ISSN : 1230-67032022
A few pictures of the small publication from my exhibition “Liquidity” at the Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom. The text was written by the curator Romuald Bochyński, for which I offer my sincere thanks.

A short text by Weronika Teplicka for my exhibition at the CAT in Ustka, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art in Słupsk. Photo by Krzysztof Tomasik - a piece of my artwork No Title [Step by Step to the Dailiness Alley III], 2022, ceramic tiles, wood, OSB board, metal, 31 x 112 x 75 cm.
The whole text you will find here:

Solo show „Hedrokonstrukt” at the Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka / Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art in Słupsk as a part of the artistic residencies program.
On view until 28 June.
Centre for Creative Activities in Ustka, Zaruskiego 1a, Poland. 

A few pictures from the opening

Photos from the opening: Krzysztof Tomasik
Radio Talk between Katarzyna Kużel (Radio Koszalin) and Iwona Rozbiewska, with an introduction by Weronika Teplicka (curator, BGSW in Słupsk, Poland)
A short video with the invitation:

Project supported by:

       Author’s work was made
possible thanks to a grant
from ZAiKS’ Creativity Support Fund
The exhibition
"Liquidity" at Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom, Poland, 26 May - 26 June 2022.

A few pictures from the opening of my exhibition:
Short talk from the opening:


Fot. Leszek Sikora, Mazovian Centre of Contemporary Art Elektrownia in Radom.


Iwona Rozbiewska has won the 2022 Gilbert Bayes Award,
awarded by The Royal Society of Sculptors in London, UK.

Photos from the 

Individual publication, Iwona Rozbiewska, ARTBOX.PROJECT Venezia 1.0, Biennale Artbox Expo, Tana Art Space, Venice, Italy (screening & catalogue presentation), 1 - 31 May 2022.


“Hedroconstruct” - project realized with the INITIAL Special Grant from the Akademie der Künste in Berlin, NeuStartKultur program. 


Untitled (Step by Step to the Dailiness Alley), 2019, ceramic, wood, metal, LED light.
Artwork is exhibited at the Martinsons Award 2021 exhibition - the international juried exhibition of the 3rd Latvia Ceramics Biennale, featuring artists from 38 countries. The exhibition is organised by Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre in cooperation with Latvian Centre for Contemporary Ceramics.

The exhibition is on view from June 15 through October 17, 2021.

Opening times: Tuesday, 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. and from Wednesday to Sunday, 11.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Exhibition place:
Mihaila street 3, Daugavpils, LV – 5401, Latvia


New artwork at the Gustav Seitz Museum, Platz der Jugend 3a, D - 15374 Müncheberg / OT Trebnitz.  
Vernissage of the exhibition in Schloss Trebnitz on Sunday, 25th July 2021 at 3 pm. The exhibition will take from the 28th of July till the 22nd of August, 2021, Wednesday-Sunday 11 am-5 pm. More information:

  Flyer of the exhibition.


Photos from the publication Antike-Vorbild und Inspiration?/Antyk-Wzór i Inspiracja? Publisher: Gustav Seitz Stiftung, Gustav Seitz Museum, Trebnitz, DE. ISBN: 978-3-948505-01-1

My new publication SPIRALING POLYHEDRON is available at the Sztuka Wyboru´s bookstore in Gdansk, Poland.  
or directly:
Some pics from the publication, fot. Miłosz Kawaler:


The photo of my artwork Untitled (development in idyll), 2019-2020, plywood, old metal beds at the online exhibition Around the House. Opening: March 1, 2021. Photo of my artwork Kamil Maciol.



Some pics from my PhD exam at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland. Installation Untitled (development in idyll), 2019-2020 on the display at the TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art in Szczecin, Poland. Exposition time: October 6, 2020. Fot. Kamil Maciol.


Artistic Residency at the Residencia Corazon, La Plata, Argentina.
Online residency 30. Nov. 2020 - 12. Dec. 2020.
Link to the Artist Talk between Residencia Corazon, Mariel Uncal Scotti, Marijn Dekker, Iwona Rozbiewska
